
Cineva care se pricepe la engleza sa imi traduca si mie urmatorul text...e urgent....e pentru azi
"Nu stiu ce s.a intamplat cu Susan.Ea ma suna in fiecare zi. Am sunat.o ieri,dar telefonul ei era inchis.
Intr.o zi am vazut.o in autobuz si m.am dus la ea. Era foarte fericita ca ma vede, asa ca m.a invitat la o cafea sa.mi spuna ce se petrece.
Cand am ajuns , cafeneaua era goala fiind decorata ca pentru o zi speciala. Acolo mai era si un domn elegant. Acesta vine la Susan si o saruta. Eram uimita,Susan nu a avut niciodata un iubit. Mai mult decat atat cei doi m.au invitat la nunta lor.
In final ,Susan mi.a spus ca a fost ocupata cu pregatirile,iar telefonul ei era stricat ,avand de gand sa vina la mine peste cateva zile cu invitatia pentru nunta."​

Răspuns :


I don't know what's happening to Susan. She called me every day. I called her yesterday, but her phone was off. One day I saw her on the bus and I went to her. She was really happy to see me so she invited me to a cup of coffee to tell me what's going on. When we got there, the coffee shop was empty because it was decorated for a special day. There was also an elegant man. He comes to Susan and kisses her. I was amazed, Susan never had a boyfriend. More than that, the two of them invited me to their wedding.

Finally, Susan told me she was busy with the wedding preparations, but her phone was broken, she was thing about coming to my house in a few days with the wedding invitation.

I do not know what happened to Susan. She called me every day. I called her yesterday but her phone was closed. One day I saw her on the bus and I went to her. She was very happy to see me so he invited me for a coffee. Tell me what's going on. when I arrived the cafe was empty being decorated for an important day. There was also a very elegant gentleman. He comes to Susan and kisses her. I was amazed, Susan never had a boyfriend. They invited me to their wedding. Finally Susan told me that she was busy with the preparations, and her phone was strict, going to come to me after a few days with the wedding invitation.


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