
Mă ajutați vă rog?Îmi trebuie până la 3:30

Mă Ajutați Vă RogÎmi Trebuie Până La 330 class=

Răspuns :


EX. 10

➀ I bought a new dress yesterday.

➁ She hasn't eaten anything since 9 o'clock this morning.

➂ He didn't go to school last week. He was ill.

➃ I have never eaten such a delicious cake.

Did you call me last night?

➅ She got married in 2008.

➆ Jane has always liked painting.

➇ I didn't watch TV last night.

➈ They haven't finished their homework yet.

➉ Last year, the Smiths went to Australia.



EX. 11

➀ Kevin has lost his keys. He left them on the bus yesterday.

➁ I haven't played tennis since I was at school but I was very good at it back then.

➂ Mr and Mrs Little have visited Egypt. They went there on holiday in 2007.

A: Have you chosen a dress for the party yet?

B: Yes, I bought one yesterday.

A: Have you seen any new films lately?

B: Yes, I watched the new James Bond film last week.

➅ I think our teacher has forgotten about the test! He didn't say anything about it in the last lesson!

➆ Sarah has broken her leg. She fell off a horse last week.

A: Have you sold your hose yet?

B: Yes, some people saw it last month and bought it.

➈ I have finished decorating my room. I painted it last week and I put up the new curtains last night.

➉ They have lost their cat. It ran away last week.

Have a nice day ^^