
Dau de toate plssssss!!!!!

1. Read the following text aloud:
The first job interview Tever had was for a position as a clerk at one of the oldest universities in
the city. I bought a new outfit especially for the interview including a pair of lovely leather Shoes
and a handhar to match. I was not particularly nervous then until I went in and saw that there were
four people who were going to interview me rather than one. They asked me a few questions about
my University degree and about why I wanted the job. One of the people was a very pleasant,
Smilmg woman who nodded encouragingly every time I answered a question. Towards the end, one
of the men asked me if I had experience with computers. I had to admit I had only used one once.
Despite this I got the job. The pleasant, smiling woman who turned out to be my boss, told me she
had argued I should be given the job because she liked my shoes so much. I was glad I had bought
IL Answer the following questions:
L What, according to the writer, was essential in getting the job as a clerk?
2. What other things were the interviewers interested in?
3. Why did the writer become nervous when she went in?
4. Who turned out to be one of the people who interviewed her?

1 Read the following text aloud:
It is not surprising that training shoes have become such big business. Sporting activities of all
kinds have become popular, particularly inexpensive sports like running, where equipment is
unnecessary apart from shoes Runners suffer more injuries than many other athletes. The runner
repeatedly strikes the ground with his feet, which can have disastrous effects. Research has led to
the development of running shoes and a considerable reduction in problems with the feet and
ankles. A combination of padding and air cushions provide protection from hitting the pavement
with a force twice your weight.
II. Answer the following questions:
1 What are the two reasons the writer mentions in connection with the success of training shoes
2 What, according to the writer, is the benefit of using running shoes?
3. Why is running considered an inexpensive sport?
4. Which is the force with which we hit the ground?

Va rog!!!​

Răspuns :


1. Attention to details and how he presented in front of the comission: ,, I should be given the job because she liked my shoes so much.Ë®

2. He asked him if he had experience with computer.

3. He was nervous, because he had four people who were going to interview.

4.The one who liked the shoes was his boss.

Text B

1. Sports became popular, and shoes for runners suffer more injuries than the ones for athletes.

2. The running shoes give a considerable reduction in problems with the feet and


3. An advantage ist hat runners using this shoes suffer more injuries than many other athletes.

4. Using running shoes reduces the hit of the ground with a force twice your weight.
