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Santa Claus is a fai jolly old man or maybe an
elf, who bring children presents on Christmas Eve
Once a year he travels all over the world in a sleisch
pulled by eight reindeer: He stops at each home
where there are good children and slides dom the
chimney: He puts presents under the tree. If you leave your stocking lanzing, he
mighi put small toys or candy in that too. Using Christmas magic he is able to leave
presents for all the good boys and girls in the world in on one misht!
No one knows how old he is or where he comes from we know is that he lives
ar the North Pole with his wife, Mrs. Claus. Mrs. Claus makes all the cookies and
candies and cakes for Christmas He also has elves that make the toy, Santa
Clan has a big list of all the world's children and he watches all year to know
who is good and who is bad. He also knows what you want for Christmas of
course children can write him letters to tell him how good they have been and
what they want. He also travels to shopping malls and fairs and stores where he
meets children so that they can tell him in person Some people think the shopping
mall Santas may be helpers instead of the real thing. 1.Where does Santa Claus live? 2.What animals pull Santa's sleigh? 3.How does Santa enter a house? 4.Who helps Santa make toys? 5.Where does Santa put presents? ​