1. 1) since
2) for
3) since
4) for
5) since
6) since, for 6
7) since, for 9
2. 1) Steve and Jane have been singers for five years
2) Sophie hasn’t played football since she broke her leg
3) Harry hasn’t wrote on his blog for a long time
4) Sam hasn’t went to the dentist for a year
5) George and I were friends since we were kids
6) They haven’t saw a good film for more than a month
3. 2) How long have you knew him/her?
3) How long have you been at this school?
4) How long have you had it?
4. 1) Emily’s best friend’s name is Sarah, She knows her since 2009. Emily has been at this school for five years. Emily had a bike for six months
2) Jack has lived in his house since 2010. Jack’s best friend’s name is Harry, he knows him since 2012. Jack has been at this school since 2012. Jack had a dog for two years.
3) Dan has lived in his house for three months. Dan’s best friend’s name is Jim, he knows him for a long time. Dan has been at this school since September. Dan had a laptop since May.
La ex 5 trebuie să răspunzi la întrebări din perspectiva ta.