
Exercitiul 8,9 va rog frumos macar 8 sau 9 dau coroana

Exercitiul 89 Va Rog Frumos Macar 8 Sau 9 Dau Coroana class=

Răspuns :

Răspuns: 8) at, of, of, at, to

9) My mother is my best friend.

My father is my hero.

I love it when my grandmother bakes cookies.

My grandfather is good at repairing things.

My little cousin loves to play with cars.

When my aunt comes to visit she brings her pet dog.

My uncle works in a big company.

My great aunt left my mom a ring when she passed away.


La 8 la al treilea spatiu la "work to do every day" nu pui nimic pt ca este corect asa.