Exercițiile 1 și 2 vă rog

1.My best friend is Sally. I have known her for three years.
2.When I was a child, I Lived în Sicily.
3.I haven't seen my next-door neighbour Since last weekend.
4.How long have you Had that watch?
5.My grandmother lives in our house. She lived with us Since last year.
6.Where have you been on holiday last year?
7.My brother has three dogs. He had Them for 7 years.
8.Acolo e I have been
9.I started playing... și ce mai e acolo.
10.I'm Starving! I haven't eaten Anything Since this morning.
Scz ca la ex. 2 nu stiu la el.. Dar cred ca la întrebarea 1 e past simple și la a doua present perfect simple. dar la 3 și 4 nu stiu. Sorry! ;(