
Writing bank A blog post abou
y bank A blog post about your daily routine
Hi Maria!
I see that you study music at school.
I want to ask you: what is your dail
school activities do you do?
study music at school. I only play the violin in my free time.
you: what is your daily routine at school and what other after
Hi Mark!
I always get up at 7.30 am and
National College of Art which
school, I usually go home and
get up at 7.30 am and I have a shower. Then I have breakfast and I leave home at 8 am. I go to Dinu Lipatti
continue studying
ollege of Art which is in the centre of the city. My school day starts at 9 o'clock and finishes at 1 pm, but I
we studying music at home as well. At school, I study music theory and I play the violin for four hours. After
usually go home and I have a big lunch at 2 pm. Then I do my homework or even take a nap.
lany activities after school. I go to a contemporary dance club on Wednesdays and Fridays, in the
moon. Do you know how to dance? I can teach you, it's great fun! At the weekend I go to a painting club. My
day usually ends at 9.30 pm, when I go to bed.
Maria. Nowrite your blog post.Use your notes from plane step and use Maria’s blog post as model. Write 80-100 words.

Răspuns :


1. I have written an essay this morning. Am scris un eseu în această dimineaţă.  

2. You have just seen the film. Tocmai ai văzut filmul.

3. He has left to the station for 5 minutes. El a plecat la gară de 5 minute.

4. The flower has grown up a little since last year. Floarea a crescut puţin de anul trecut.

5. The cat has just eaten that piece of fresh meat. Pisica tocmai a mâncat acea bucată de carne proaspătă.

5 sentences using regular verbs:

1. We have watched TV for an hour. Ne-am uitat la televizor de o oră.

2. You have decided to let her go. Aţi decis să o lăsaţi să plece.

3. They have reached to the same conclusion. Ei au ajuns la aceeaşi concluzie.

4. The rains have returned too soon in our country. Ploile s-au întors prea repede în ţara noastră.

5. Jane and David have played in the park all day long. Jane şi David s-au jucat în parc toată ziua.

Votul tău: Excelent!

Citește mai multe pe Brainly.ro - https://brainly.ro/tema/623592#readmore
