
Va rog Citiți textul si realizați exercitiile 2,3 de pe poza

Last night was a bore. Several people came to my place for a chat
hoping to enjoy themselves. But what an awful evening it was!
One young man talked to us for a full hour on every subject under the sun. None of us could get in a word, not even me, though I’m
supposed to know how to do it — I’ve been a journalist for many
years now. So what should have been a pleasant social get-together
became an awful bore.
Our speaker is eighteen, and that, I think, excuses him, for he
hasn’t been practising the art of talking for too many years.
He will learn, I hope, that a good conversationalist is a man who
has something interesting to say, and at the same time he tries to
make his audience feel comfortable. He is also a good listener and
shows by his interest that he wants to hear what others have to say.
He enjoys talking but realizes that everyone will get more pleasure from the conversation if all get a chance to take part. He speaks
clearly enough for all to hear comfortably; he is never monotonous,
and his speech is full of interesting things; and, by the way, unlike
some people, he looks his listeners in the eye, and not into space.
Unfortunately too often we suffer from bad conversationalists.
They are all the same — they are always boring; and yet, they differ.
You can even talk of several types here. To begin with, there is the
so-called “monopolizer”, for instance. This type of conversationalist wants to do all the talking. After you’ve been listening to him for ten
minutes, you know you are not going to be able to add more than a
“yes” or a “no” to something that he has said because he will probably continue talking until he is so tired he can’t speak any more.
The “show-off” is not very different from the “mo nopolizer”.
Here is the person who wants to attract attention to himself. He is
not as interested in the conversation as he is in himself. Even if he
has nothing to offer he still wants to be the centre of the talk.
And the “repeater” is a well-familiar type. He will repeat not only
something he has said but also something someone else has mentioned. Hasn’t this kind of talker bored us since time immemorial?
There is also the type that I call the “detailed” man. He usually
enjoys what he is telling so much that he cannot leave out the smallest detail. Quite often, after he has been speaking for a short time he
finds he has lost his audience because they are not so interested in
all the details as he is.
And now I almost want to say thank God for the “interrupter”.
The good thing about this type of conversationalist is that you can
depend upon him to interrupt the “monopolizer” or the “detail
And of course there is the “silent one”. This participant has nothing to say. It may be that he has no information to offer or it may be
that he is afraid to say something because he is too shy. Or perhaps
he is the one who remembers that silence can be gold.
Not always, I must say, I, for one, believe that most communication
is good. I am sure that to achieve progress we must discuss things.
I am all for discussing things. But the talker should remember
that conversation must serve a purpose. What he says must always
be to the point. For life is short, and nobody wants to spend hours
listening to people that talk and talk and never think.

Va Rog Citiți Textul Si Realizați Exercitiile 23 De Pe Poza Last Night Was A Bore Several People Came To My Place For A Chat Hoping To Enjoy Themselves But What class=

Răspuns :

2. a. The occasion was a get-together between several people for a chat hoping to enjoy themselves.

b. aici nu stiu scuze

c. Because only one person talked about several subject and no one could interrupt him.

d. An eighteen year old boy.

e. "Our speaker is eighteen, and that, I think, excuses him, for he

hasn’t been practising the art of talking for too many years"

f. The autor expects the young man to learn that a good conversationalist

has something interesting to say and tries to

make his audience feel comfortable.

g. After the author's opinion, we meet bad conversationalists more often because most types of conversationalists he described and named are a bad kind of speakers.

h. All bad conversationalists add too many details, don't let others speak and make the conversation boring.

i. A talker must always remember that every conversation has a purpose and he must say things that are to the point.

3. The synonym for "speaker" used in text is "conversationalist". Other synonyms from the same group would be announcer, speechmaker, orator, elocutionist, rhetorician and much more.