I would like to address this letter to James Faraday .
The article about students life is actually different than every day life , routine and hard work . Your statement about how students only sit around all day and listen to music is completely absurd ! We put a lot of effort into doing our essays and projects due . We spend inhumanly hours on studying and getting good grades . Coping with stress is something some of us fail at doing , but nonetheless we dont brag about it and we just go along with it ! Some of us work and get payed by our parents occasionally .
We live in the real world and we are making efforts to improve it . Students are the future in which everyone puts their trust into .
The real world consists in all of us , not just grown up people .
Contributing to society is all we do , we want to help other people , we want to build , explore and work hard until we get there . We are put under so much more pressure because of exams and by everyone else .
The youth is us . Thus we are the youth .
Our families are proud of us and so should the society be , because some of us will make a difference . A very big difference .
I myself am a student , and school really puts us through deep thoughts about what will we do in life and so on . And personally , I believe in us . In students .
You could’ve at least discuss this to a student before writing such statements .