
am nevoie de ajutor!cine mă poate ajuta cu o mini compunere în care să povestești pe ce ești gelos?fără google translate,vă rog!îmi trebuie neaparat pt mâine!nu stiu pe ce as putea fi geloasa..să îmi scrieti si traducerea,vă rog.Ati putea scrie despre ceva ce are altcineva și eu nu am sau ceva de genul..dar să nu scrieti despre frați sau surori,pentru că nu am:)))hai va rooog​

Răspuns :

Jelous means to to envy someone or somebody’s wealth. I am that kind of person who do not envy, but sometimes I am jelous by somebody’s look or wealth, I am jelous when I see some people which are posting some photos of delicious food, candies or chocolate, jelousity is not every time a bad thing it can also be friendly jelousity, for example: my bff got for his birthday a cat, and I tell him oh Mike I am jelous because of you, your little cat is that cute that I envy you. In fact jelousity can also be a bad thing like: I am jelous that Anne have new phone and I still have the oldest model. In conclusion I can say that YES jelousity is a bad thing, but not every time.