
Little Mouse is puzzled. All his friends
say it is time to start making beds for
the winter.
'Autumn is coming', says the Squirrel
and runs with his paws full of nuts.
'Autumn is here', says the Hamster.
carrying a heap of dry grass.
Little Mouse blinks.
"But where? I can't see autumn'.
'Autumn is all around you', says Mr
Wise Owl from the branch of a big oak
tree. It is dressing up time. The trees
change their summer green to brilliant
red, orange, gold and brown. Do you
see how the leaves are falling down?

Răspuns :

Micul Soricel este nedumerit.

Toti preietenii sai ii spun ca este timpul de sa inceapa pregatirile de iarna.

'Vine toamna', spuse Veverita in timp ce fuge cu labutele sale pline de alune.

'Toamna este aici' spuse Hamsterul carand o gramada de iarba uscata.

Micul Soricel clipeste.

'Dar unde? Nu pot vedea Toamna'.

'Toamna este peste tot in jurul tau', spuse Domnul Bufnita cel Intelept de pe creanga unui stejar mare. Imbraca totul.

Copacii isi schimba culoarea verzuie varica in culori arzatoare ca rosul, portocaliul, auriul si maroul.

'Poti vedea cum cad frunzele?'

Aceasta este toamna.

Seara frumoasa! ^^