write a text about the importance of the english language in Romania answering the quiestions below.

English is one of the most popular and important language you should learn.
My parents speak English rarely, but they usually talk english when we are going to another countries and you need to make a conversation with other people from there.
People in Romania use English at jobs, or when foreign people come to our country.
I always hear English at television. American or British Movies. And online, because if you go to a website, and you want to buy something from China, there will be English information.
A lot of people use English words when they come to Romania. Some examples are:
When they want to ask you a question, or when they are at a restaurant and want to order some food and you're working there as a waiter...
Yes, I think that the Romanian language is changing a little bit... Like the word "okay", we always use it because we heard it a lot and we decided to tell it constantly, and this is how it became very popular.
I think i'll use English in the future very much because i'll travel and i'll visit a lot of countries,and if I want to talk to other people, I need to learn English very well!
Poftim! Sper ca te-am ajutat! M-am verificat la cuvinte asa ca nu trebuie sa te ingrijorezi daca am gresit la scrierea lor! Succes!