Vă rogg e urgent!!!!!!!!

ex 1)
1. Romance
2. horror
3. comedy
4. fantasy
5. action
6. sci-fi
ex 2)
1. I always go swimming on Sundays
2. It's raining so we can't go out
3. I'm usually working on Saturdays but luckily I don't work today
4. Why are you drinking milk? You don't like it!
5. We always go on holiday to Greece out this year we want a chance.
6. Where are we going now?
ex 5)
1. Wow, you speak English really well
2. Come in quietly - everybody's asleep
3. I don't like that music - it's too noisy
4. We're winning the game easily
5. That film isn't very good
6. Can you run fastly
7. This exercise is just so easy
8. Speak slowly please, I can't follow you
Okk nu stiu de care exercițiu aveai nevoie, sper ca te-am ajutat si sper ca e corect.. ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ