
Tradu din romana in engleza urmatoarele propozitii:

Eu iti voi plati cat de mult vei cere.

Eu voi face aceasta problema chiar daca trebuie sa stau toata noaptea.

Nu voi face aceeasi greseala din nou.

El va juca tenis maine.

Noi vom intelege engleza cand vom studia destul.

Copiii vor manca inghetata la petrecere.

Eu le voi vorbi sambata.

Noi ii vom intreba multe lucruri.

Ea va implini cincisprezece ani saptamana viitoare.

Va ploua in seara aceasta.

Răspuns :


I will pay you as much as you ask.

I'll make this a problem even if I have to stay up all night.

I will not make the same mistake again.

He'll play tennis tomorrow.

We will understand English when we study enough.

Children will eat ice cream at the party.

I'll talk to them on Saturday.

We will ask her many things.

She will turn fifteen next week.

It will rain tonight.

Sper ca te-am ajutat !!!

1. I'll pay you as much as you ask.

2. I'll do this problem even if I'll have to stay all night.

3. I won't make the same mistake again.

4. He will play tennis tommorow.

5. We will understand english when we will study enough.

6. The kids will eat ice cream at the party.

7. I'll talk to them saturday.

8. We will ask them a lot of things.

9. She will be 15 years old next week.

10. It will rain tonight.