5 Find these words in the text and choose the
correct definition (a or b) for each one.
It is useful to be able to deduce the meaning of unknown
words from context. Find the word in the text and try to
guess the meaning by reading the whole sentence around
the word. You may also want to read the sentences before
and after.
1 track (noun) [lines 22 and 25]
a) one piece of music on a CD (or tape) containing
many pieces of music
b) a whole CD (or tape) of d
ifferent pieces of music
2 to compile (verb) (line 35]
a) to finish making something
b) to make something using many different parts
3 to express (verb) [lines 46 and 49]
a) to show your feelings
b) to talk about how you feel
4 distinctive (adjective) [line 49]
a) traditional and old-fashioned
b) unique and different from the others
5 criterion (noun) [line 51]
a) a group of people who make decisions
b) the reason for deciding something
6 With a partner, name one or two pieces of
music that you think would represent your country.
Is it easy or difficult to choose?
'Charles! Would
we be interested
in a trip to Mars?'
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