
Verbe not normally used in the continuous tenses .
agree, be, believe, belong, contain,cost,dependenta,expect,feel,forget,hate,have(=possess),hear,hope,imagine,know,Like,look,love,matter,mean, need, notice, own,perfer,realise,recognise,remember,see,seem,smell,suppose,taste,think(=believe),understand,want,wish

Răspuns :

The verbs that are not used in the continous tenses are:























Am scris mai sus verbele care de obicei nu sunt folosite la prezentul continuu.Cele care sunt folosite nu le-am mai scris.Sper că te-am ajutat.Imi dai te rog inimioara,sau chiar coroana?Mersi anticipat!Mult succes cu scoala!