Raspundeti la intrebari de la videoclipul One woman’s choice de pe YouTube 45 de puncte

1. She speaks 4 languages
2. She was born in Arusha and she moved to ( nu stiu ce nume zice acolo) ⁰
3. The Dorobo lifestyle causes Loshero to spend long periods away from home.
4. It takes her 40 minutes to get water.
5. She has 3 children
6. Flora gave up her city life for Loshero, but she hardly sees him.
7. There's no phone or postal delivery so she can't communicate with her family.
8. She could take her children to kive in the city and leave Loshero or she could forget about her old life.
9. It takes 4 days to walk back home. In the morning, she goes back to the village .
Restul poti sa faci singura ca doar te uiti la videoclip si scri ce auzi. Usor.