ajutor. URGENT AS MAI DA PUNCTE DaR NU PREA MAI AM.va rog e urgent

1 One year = 12 months = 52 weeks = 365 days
2 One day = 24 hours = 1440 minutes = 86400 seconds
What time is it?
It's five past nine.
What time is your Spanish class?
It's at four o'clock.
What time is your brother's English class?
It's from six thirty to eight o'clock.
Excuse me. Have you got the time, please?
Yes, it's twenty to eleven.
Thank you very much.
You're welcome.
ALEXIS: Excuse me.
TICKET SELLER: Yes, can I help you?
ALEXIS: Can I have two tickets for 60 seconds, please?
TICKET SELLER: Two adults?
ALEXIS: Yes, please. How much is that?
TICKET SELLER: It's £19,80, please.
ALEXIS: Here you are. What time is the film?
TICKET SELLER: Eight forty-five.
ALEXIS: Right. Thanks a lot.
TICKET SELLER: You're welcome. Enjoy the film.
ALEXIS: Thanks. Bye.
*Notă: Am scris italic sau îngroşat cuvintele sau frazele corecte, după caz.