
Compunere in engleza care sa inceapa cu propozitia Hardly i had arrived home ,when the telephone rang...

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Hardly I had arrived home, when the telephone rang. I felt a little bit anxious about answering it because I just didn't want to deal with anything anymore, especially after the day I just had. Still, I answered, because it could be something important and I couldn't risk it. I heard a raspy voice on the other line, a voice that I couldn't recognize. All it said is that he wants to talk with someone named Jessica because he doesn't know what to do anymore. He kept repeating the same thing over and over again, even after I explained that he got the wrong number and I don't know anyone named Jessica. Just before I wanted to hang up, he said my name one time, with clarity. I have never felt more scared in my life. There was something wrong about this whole situation. Finally, I called one of my friends and she invited me to stay over at her house. When I told her the details about the story she looked at me for a few seconds, before bursting into laughter. I felt very confused, until she told me that it was a prank that one of our classmate puts on everyone. It wasn't funny to me. I fell asleep feeling a little bit better about the situation, or at least I fell asleep not being afraid of somebody showing up at my door in the middle of the night.


Am ajuns acasa, cand a sunat telefonul. M-am simtit putin anxioasa pentru a raspunde, pentru ca nu voiam sa mai am de-a face cu nimic, mai ales dupa ziua pe care tocmai am avut-o. Totusi, am raspuns, pentru ca ar putea fi ceva important si nu pot sa risc. Am auzit o voe ragusita, pe care nu am putut sa o recunosc. Tot ceea ce a spus a fost ca vrea sa vorbeasca cu cineva pe nume Jessica pentru ca nu stie cum sa se mai descurce. A tot repetat acelasi lucru de cateva ori, chiar si dupa ce i-am explicat ca are numarul gresit si nu cunosc pe nimeni cu numele Jessica. Chiar inainte de a ii inchide, mi-a spus numele odata, cu claritate. Nu m-am simtit mai speriata in viata mea. Ceva era foarte gresit despre intreaga situatie. Intr-un final, am sunat-o pe o prietena si m-a invitat sa merg acasa la ea. Cand i-am spus detaliile despre poveste m-a privit pentru cateva secunde i nainte de a incepe a rade. M-am simtit foarte confuza, pana cand mi-a spus ca a fost o gluma pe care unul dintre colegii nostri o face tuturor. Nu era amuzant pentru mi ne. Am adormit simtindu-ma putin mai bine despre situatie, sau macar am adormit fara sa fiu speriata de faptul ca cineva ar putea aparea la usa mea in mijlocul noptii.