La acele cuvinte de la exercițiul 6 doar traducețile

ex 5
cheerful - joyful
envious - jealous
funny - amusing
gifted - talented
smart - clever
nice - kind
obstinate - stubborn
sociable - popular
ex 6
adventurous - aventuros (willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences)
aggresisive - agresiv (ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression)
ambitious - abițios (having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed)
arrogant - arogant (having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities)
artistic - artistic (having or revealing natural creative skill)
bad-tempered - nărăvaș (easily annoyed or made angry)
big-headed - arogant (conceited or arrogant)
bossy - autoritar (fond of giving people orders; domineering)
curious - curios (eager to know or learn something)
diplomatic - diplomatic (exactly reproducing an original version)
energetic - energetic (showing or involving great activity or vitality)
frank - sincer (pen, honest, and direct in speech or writing, especially when dealing with unpalatable matters)
good-tempered - amabil (not easily irritated or made angry)
helpful - folositor (giving or ready to give help, useful)
imaginative - imaginativ (having or showing creativity or inventiveness)
materialistic - materialist (excessively concerned with material possessions; money-oriented)
sensible - sensibil ()