Vă rog mă ajutați și pe mine.. mulțumesc

6. The cat is brown.
7. The chair is black.
8. My mother is Maya
9. She is beautiful.
10. We are students.
11. Mothers are at school.
12. The desk is in the class.
13. It is blue.
14. They are my family.
15. My mother is here.
16. My father is here.
17. My sister is Anna.
18. She is beautiful.
1. one pen- two pens
2. one lamp- three lamps
3. one book- two books
4. one fish - six fishes
5. One tables
6. One dog - four dogs
7. One bed - seven beds
8. One sheep- two sheep (sunt la fel si la singular si la plural)
9. One chair - ten chairs
4. i`m Marco and this is my living room.
7. These are my teachers their names are Paul and Rita.
1. Where are your friends now? 2. Here is a postcard from my friend Dees.
3. She lives in England now with her family. 4. His wife works in Tilburg. 5. His company builds websites.
1. Is it Jane`s dog? Yes it is her dog.
2. The dog is chasing its tail .
3. Peter, is with is father at home.
4. I am going to my aunt`s house this evening.
5. Rudy is showing his stamps to Ali.
6. We always keep our classroom clean.
7. Children, have you all finished your homework.
8. The children are proud of their school .
I. 1. am
2. is
3. am
4. is
5. is
6. is
7. is
8. is
9. is
10. are
11. are
12. is
13. is
14. are
15. is
16. is
17. is
18. is
III. one pen- two pens
one lamp- three lamps
one book- two books
one fish- six fishes
one table- five tables
one dog- four dogs
one bed- seven beds
one sheep- two sheeps
one chair- ten chairs
IV. 1. I`m Marcus and this is my living room.
2. My mothers Susan and this is her hat
3. They are Robert and Adam and this is their bedroom.
4. He is Marco and this is his living room.
5. We are Betti and Barbara and this is our favourite book. It`s title is Twilight.
6. This is Rachel and this is her sister.
7. These are my teachers. Their names are Paul and Rita.
8. This is my brother. His name is Peter, he is a student in Hungary.
9. We are friends. Our hobbies are gardening and walking.
10. Im Sophy and this is my dog, Aladin.
V. 1. Where are your friends now?
2. Here is a postcard from my friends Dees.
3. She lives in England now with her family.
4. His wife works in Tillburg.
5. His company builds websit.
VI. 1. Is this Jane`s dog? Yes this is her dog.
2. The dog is chasing it`s own tail.
3. Peter, is your father home?
4. I am going to my aunt`s house this evening.
5. Rudy is showing her stamps to Ali.
6. We always keep our classroom clean.
7. Children, have you all finished your homework?
8. The children are proud of their school.
Ca sa te lamuresc unde se folosesc:
Am- este pentru persoana I singular (eu) ex: I am a student. (Eu sunt un student)
Is- este pentru persoana a III a (el/ea) ex: She is a lot friendly in real lif. (Ea este mult mai prietenoasa in viata reala)
Are- este pentru persoanele I, a II a si a III a plural (ei/ele, noi, voi), dar si pentru persoana a II a singular (tu)
ex 1: They are friends. (Ei sunt prieteni)
ex 2: You are a cool person. (Tu esti o persoana tare)
My (al meu) de pers I sg
Your (al tau) de pers a II a sg
His (al lui) de pers a III a sg (cand face referire la un baiat)
Her (al ei) de pers a III a sg (cand face referire la o fata)
Our (al nostru) de pers I plural
Their (al lor) de pers a III a plural
Iar pentru pers a II a plural se foloseste tot your.
Sper ca te-am ajutat :D