
Alcatuiti cate trei propozitii cu fiecare verb care primeste terminatia -es (in cazul terminatiilor verbale speciale​

Răspuns :


She goes to school by bus every morning.  

She does her homework without making mistakes.

Grandmother kisses her little niece and gives her a candy.

She will write him a letter as she misses him a lot.

She watches from her window how the sun rises.

He rushes every morning to catch the bus.

He fixes every broken thing he finds.

He mixes the ingredients and adds some salt.

She copies all numbers, multiplies them and writes the result in the notebook.


Verbele care primesc terminatia -es (la present simple, pers a3a sg) sunt cele terminate in:

o (go, do),

x (mix, fix),

sh (rush, brush),

ch (watch. match),

ss, s,

y (copy, try-y se transforma in i la care se adauga es).