ma ajutați vă rogggg sa fac propoziti

1. dance: She knows how to dance.
2. walk: Does her baby know how to walk?
3. listen: I can help you only if you listen to me.
4. eggs: Scrambled eggs are very tasty!
5. basket: Is this your basket?
6. chocolate: I like dark chocolate.
7. tree: A few years ago, I planted a tree!
8. flowers: I have a garden full of colorful flowers.
9. hat: Your hat looks amazing!
1. dance: Ea stie sa danseze.
2. walk: Bebelusul ei stie sa mearga?
3. listen: Pot sa te ajut doar daca ma asculti.
4. eggs: Ouale omleta sunt foarte gustoase! (Omleta adica)
5. basket: Acesta este cosul tau?
6. chocolate: Mie imi place ciocolata neagra.
7. tree: Acum cativa ani, am plantat un copac!
8. flowers: Am o gradina plina de flori colorate.
9. hat: Palaria ta arata uimitor!
Sper ca te-am ajutat! <3