
8. Finish the sentences using whose:
Example: Donna is a teacher. Her students are very smart.
Donna is a teacher whose students are very smart.
1. Mr. Hughes is a person. His house caught fire.
Mr. Hughes is the person ..
2. Bella is a girl. Her clothes are fashionable.
Bella is the girl
3. This is a book. Its covers are dark blue.
This is the book
4. Mrs. Yeats is a woman. Her husband is a famous director.
Mrs. Yeats is the woman
5. This is a house. Its windows are broken.
This is the house ........
6. Mr. Dickens is a writer. His books are very interesting.
Mr. Dickens is the writer .........
7. This a yacht. Its owner is a rich businessman.
This is the yacht
8. Mr. Andrews is a firefighter. His colleagues admire him.
Mr. Andrews is the firefighter
9. The Browns' are a big family. Their children are noisy.
The Browns' are the family
10. This is a company. Its products are very good.
This is the company

Răspuns :

Răspunsurile cerute  sunt în bold.



8.  Finish the sentences using whose:

Example: Donna is a teacher. Her students are very smart.

Donna is a teacher whose students are very smart.

Rezolvare si traducere

1. Mr. Hughes is a person. His house caught fire.

Mr. Hughes is the person whose house caught fire.

Domnul Hughes e persoana a cărei casă a luat foc.  

2. Bella is a girl. Her clothes are fashionable.

Bella is the girl whose clothes are fashionable.

Bella este fata ale cărei haine sunt moderne.

3. This is a book. Its covers are dark blue.

This is the book whose covers are dark blue.

Aceasta este cartea ale cărei coperți sunt albastru închis.

4. Mrs. Yeats is a woman. Her husband is a famous director.

Mrs. Yeats is the woman whose husband is a famous director.

Doamna Yeats este femeia al cărei soț e un director faimos.

5. This is a house. Its windows are broken.

This is the house whose windows are broken.

Aceasta este casa ale cărei ferestre sunt sparte.

6. Mr. Dickens is a writer. His books are very interesting.

Mr. Dickens is the writer whose books are very interesting.

Domnul Dickens este scriitorul ale cărui cărți sunt foarte interesante.


Prin pași: Exercițiul se face înlocuind pronumele his, hers, its cu whose. Căutăm pronumele personal (este la începutul celei de-a doua propoziții). Înlocuim pronumele personal his, hers, its cu pronumele posesiv whose. Acum ștergem punctul. (Observă schimbarea lui a teacher/person/woman/ în the teacher/person/woman/. Am putea traduce acea femeie, acel scriitor, acea fată, acea carte. ).

Există pagini serioase de gramatică, cu exerciții pentru toate subiectele, explicate. Nu te descuraja.

You are a student. Your English improves.

You are the student whose English improves.