Exercițiul cinci și șase urgent dau coroană.

Does he go to work on Mondays?
No, he doesn't.
Do they play at the weekend?
No, they don't.
Does he watch TV in the evening?
Yes, he does.
Does she learn in the evening?
No, she doesn't.
Does she wake up at 9 o'clock?
No, she doesn't.
a. 3
b. 4
c. 2
d. 5
e. 1
exercise no. 5
Does he fly by OZN on Mondays?
No, he doesn't.He flies by OZN on Saturdays.
Do they play football at the weekend?
No, they don't.They play football on Thursday.
Does he watch TV in the evening?
Yes, he does.
Does she do her homework in the evening?
No, she doesn't.She does her homework in the afternoon.
Does she get up at 9 o'clock?
Yes, she does.
exercise no. 6
b. Do Bill and Ron play tennis on Fridays?
Yes, they do.It's their favourite game.
c. Do you go shopping every weekend?
No, I don't.I don't like going shopping.
d. Do the children eat lunch at 1 o'clock?
Yes, they do.They like steak and fries.
e. Does Nicholas play computer games?
Yes, he does.He plays ,,Space Mission".