
O compunere in engleza de 5 6 randuri despre education

Răspuns :

Education is very important in a human life.Without it ,we can’t do anything.We start our education at the very young age of 3,when we go to pre-school.We finish our education after college if we decide to continue or education,if not we will finish school earlier.After the education ends,we are free to pick a job for ourselves.

Sper ca te-am ajutat!

A very important role for life's success has education. Through education as a social phenomenon we understand the transmission of life experience from one generation to another, the knowledge of good manners and the behavior in society according to these skills. The importance of education can be seen also in the fact that any government, from any state as it is poor , has a ministry or a department of education to which it allocates a percentage of the budget. Children and young people's education is a delicate mission to which both school and family have to make sustained efforts; in other words, education is formed in a less formal environment such as family, and then continues in an institutionalized environment such as school and church. Education refers both to the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and to a certain ethical behavior accepted by society.