va nevoie urgent de cineva care are creativitate si este bun la rog mult...dau coroana

was not so colorfull, the wind was blooming so hard that one man got his hat up into the air, in that moment i ran to the poor guy and told him : do you have anywhere to live? you look very sad.
the man told me this :
no, i do not own a house... please do you mind if you will let me do something for you in exchange for some money,
i was shocked ... i told him that he has nothing to worry about and i helped him get some shelter , after that i lend him some money and left him lonely , after that it was spring , the flowers were blooming and i had some issues with money, then i saw a man in a black and white suit that looked like he could help me so i asked him if he could lend me some,when he spoke i knew it was the guy i helped in the autumn and he told me why he got rich : he was going to the lottery with my money with some hope that he will get the big surprise, and somehow he won it, he invited me to his house , It was huge! i learned how it is better to help someone that is in a worse situation than you and you should have a pure heart for everybody no matter who it is