ajutor e urgent si habar nu am cum sa il fac!

How much sugar is there in the cupboard?
How many aplles are there on the table?
How much vanilla do we need for the cake?
How many pumpkins are you carving for Halloween?
How much water is there in the humna body?
How many vegetables are there in this soup
How many se pune cand poti numara obiectele, nu poti zice doua vanilii dar poti zice doua mere
How much se pune cand vrei sa zici cat de mult
Sper ca te-am ajutat. BAFTA
HOW MUCH sugar is there in the cupboard?
HOW MANY apples are there on the table?
HOW MUCH vanilla do we need for the cake?
HOW MUCH water is there in the human body?
HOW MANY vegetables are there in this soup?
Asta e!!