Having one the greatest days of mu life
It was a really sunnt day with a lot of children around the parks jn my neighbourhood when on of my greatest days started.
A summer say with no one with me I decided I wanted company and to have fun. I called my friend Maria and invited her to a walk in the park. She said she knew about some event that it's going to happen in the "Yellow park" this is how we decided to call that place we knew about. Apparently there was going to be a free enter to a concert from some new girl group that came from America. I wasn't that surprised at first I more like "yeah sure let go an see" .
Maria came so we went to the park , the concert was going to start at 5:45 and it was 5:30 when we arrived. Until then the ones who were there to take care of everything about the concert put us , the people around there some music. Some were dancing some were just enjoying the music. I'm not that much of a dancer so I just enjoyed the music and Maria's crazy moves.
The concert begun and the girl group aappeard ..my first thought? GORGEOUS they were so pretty !
Theu started singing a song called "On wind on rain I won't stop" and a cover of "raining man" they sang absolutely amazing but then out of nowhere , because I was on the first line they called me on the stage! I was really nervous about everything that included people and stage but I don't know what was on my mind back then. We played a little game and then they game me a littke present , a little bracelet heart. It was fun..This what happend to me back then , ah! What a wonderful experience