ex 2 In pairs say where the appliances are in the house as in the example

1. Is there air conditioning in the bathroom?
No, but there is air conditioning in the living room.
2. Is there a TV set in the kitchen?
No, but there is a Tv set in the bedroom.
3. Is there a vaccum cleaner in the bedroom?
No, but there is a vacuum cleaner in the closet.
4. Is there a toaster in the living room?
No, but there is a toaster in the kitchen.
5. Is there an oven in the living room?
No, but there is an oven in the kitchen.
6. Is there a shower in the garage?
No, but there is a shower in the bathroom.
7. Is there a fridge in the closet?
No, but there is a fridge in the kitchen.
8. Is here a dishwasher in the bathroom?
No, but there is a dishwasher in the kitchen.
9. Is there a mixer in the bedroom?
No, but there is a mixer in the kitchen.
10. Is there a hair dryer in the living room?
No, but there is a hair dryer in the bathroom.
11. Is there a cooker in the bathroom?
No, but there is a cooker in the kitchen.