VĂ ROG !!!! CKASA 4 !!!!! VA ROG !!! IMI TREBUIE MAINE !!!!!! 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4!!!! N VA ROG DIN TOT SUFLETUL MEU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dau 98 puncte !!!!!!!!!! SĂ SCRIE DOAR CINE E MINIM 80%10P SIGUR !!!!!!

1.Read and write in your notebook
Food Containers Drinks Fruit & Vegetables
pizza can lemonade grapes
burger packet cola green pepper
rice carton orange juice mango
pasta jar milk onion
2.Look at the picture and write in your notebook.Use:much,many or a lot of.
1.There isn't much cheese.
2.There is so much orange juice.
3.There are so many watermelons.
4.There isn't that many strawberries.
5.There isn't that much bread.
6.There are a lot of plates.
3.Read and complete in your notebook.Use:some or any.
A:Have you got all the food for the party,Troy?
B:No,but I've got 1)some lemonade and 2)some cola.
A:Have you got 3)some pizza?
B:No,I haven't got 4)any pizza,but I've got 5)some burgers.
A:Do you need 6)some ice cream?
B:No, I don't need 7)some ice cream,but I need 8) some sausages for the hot-dogs.
A:Mmm...hot-dogs! I have hot-dogs.
4.Read and talk with your friend.
A: Where's the red box?
B: On the fridge.
A:Where's the green box?
B:In front of the fridge.
A:Where's the yellow box?
B:In the cupboard.
A:Where's the blue box?
B:On the cupboard.
A:Where's the pink box?
B:Under the table.
A:Where's the grey box?
B:Behind the chair.
Scuze ca a durat atata dar am avut ce scrie.