
Redacteaza o compunere de 15 randuri cu titlul ,,Zambetul copilariei,,

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I remember when I was a kid I would use to chop off time and do useless activities. You see, I wish I could go back. I was a very clumsy ,maybe disrespectful and very messy, although I had a smile that people would say it had youth. Well, as much as I wish to be a child again, have free time and actually use my time, I can't.
Yesterday I had to attend my young niece's birthday party. She is very adorable , and she was like me, if I was actually a normal kid. When I handed her the present I prepared, she jumped up and down laughing but then she stopped, looked at me, and gave me a big smile. I stared at her and then I understood what the people meant when they saw my smile, The smile of childhood.