
Precizează motivul al doilea război mondial și mentioneaza cum a influențat acesta istoria.

Răspuns :

The second world war can be considered a consequence of the Versailles Treaty, which left Germany a shadow of it's former self, forced to pay unsustainable war reparations, which prompted the government to start printing money which caused unseen before levels of inflation. People were laid off their jobs, women and children forced to sell themselves off to human traffickers in order to eat. The french left the German nation without an army, and decided to illegally occupy the industrial Rhineland to pay off debt. Communists took control of the newspapers  and media outlets and sought to ally Germany to the Ussr. All this left Germany in a turmoil, which allowed Hitler to gain power. After fixing the economy he sought to recover land lost in world war 1, as well as unite the germans in Europe. With the help of the Soviet Union, he invaded Poland whose independence was guaranteed by the Great Britain and thus started world war 2.

The  end of world war two saw the former allies, the Ussr and Nato at odds with each other and started the Cold War, an arms race which ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989.