1)The tree symbolize a mother who all her life takes care of her beloved child.She gives him all she has.
The boy symbolize a child who is lovingly taken care of.He takes all that her mother gives him.
2)a)to quiver-shook with joy
b)having much to do-busy
b)swing bridge-pod turnant/mobil
4)a)The author uses "she" ,when referring to the tree,in order to give it a motherly character.
b)Repetitions are used to emphasize the loving relationship between the tree and the boy.
c)It's compared with a tree which at first has many leaves and fruits,but finally becomes a stump.
d)The tree loves the boy,and loves to offer him the best she/it has.
5)She was so happy that she could hardly find words.
6)a)I agree
b)I disagree