
a. In pairs , ask and tell the time , using :
10:45 12:00 6:45 7:25
1:15 4:10 5:40

A: -Excuse me , please! What time is it?
A: -Excuse me , can you tell me the time , please ?
B: -It's quarter to eleven.
A: -Thanks!
B: -You're welcome.

b. Match the phrases to their definitions:
La b am pus poză .

A In Pairs Ask And Tell The Time Using 1045 1200 645 725 115 410 540exemplu A Excuse Me Please What Time Is It SauA Excuse Me Can You Tell Me The Time Please B class=

Răspuns :

a)ok eu nu o sa iti mai scriu ce zice pers A pt ca ai deja ci doar orele iar tu le pui ca in exemplu

10:45-a quarter to eleven
12:00-twelve o'clock
6:45-a quarter to seven
7:25- twenty five past seven
1:15-a quarter past one
4:10-ten past four
5:40-twenty to six

b)60 seconds-a minute
twelve o'clock in daytime-midday/noon
24 hours-a day
two minutes to two-1:58
60 minutes-1 hour
twelve o'clock at night-midnight