
Read the folliwing text and decide which answer (A,B,C or D) best fits each gap.
The history of packaging
The appearance of a product has always affected what people think of it. The Romans recognized wine and water from the shape of their earthenware 1…. In the sixteen century, goods in paper wrappers with their producer’s signature on the outside became a way of authenticating the quality of the product. Then a nineteen-century tea merchant did a 2 … trade when he began putting his tea into sealed bags rather than selling it. 3… With technology and changing lifestyles, packaging has 4 … The mass pro duction of cardboard in the nineteenth century in America and the cheap manufacture of plastics in the last century –5…ensuring more widespread use. Then changing social conditions guaranteed its place in our culture. The rise of self-service supermarket, for example, meant that goods needed to 6 … more for themselves, with no jolly Mr Cornershop to help the housewife make her choice.
A cisterns
B cases
C casks
D containers

A blazing
B roaring
C ripping
D glowing

A loose
B free
C alone
D untied

A intensified
B duplicated
C protracted
D proliferated

A thereby
B therewith
C thereupon
D therein

A cope
B look
C speak
D show