
Un eseu in engleza despre daca este bine sau rau ca tinerii sa obitina experienta de lucru in timpul vacantelor scolare si universitate
Este bine daca tinerii obtin experienta de lucru in timpul vacantelor scolare si universitate ?

Răspuns :

Răspuns:The question of whether students should pursue work experience during school and university breaks is a topic of debate. While gaining practical skills and career insights are advantages, concerns about academic performance and potential exploitation exist.

On one hand, work experience offers practical skills and career clarity. Students gain hands-on experience and explore potential career paths. However, balancing work and academics can be challenging, potentially leading to stress and reduced academic performance. Additionally, there's a risk of exploitation by employers offering low-paying or precarious jobs.

In conclusion, while work experience can be beneficial, students should carefully consider its impact on their academic success and well-being before pursuing it during breaks.

ExplicaÈ›ie:  Suces!! :D