In the first picture Mr and Mrs West are eating breakfast .Yes they are drinking coffe
1.What is eating the girl ?
The girl is eating bread with jam
2.Are the grandparents at the table with the rest of the family ?No at the table is only the grandfather
The 2 photo
1.Are the kids playing?
No only the girl is playing
2.The parents are using electronics?What electonics are they using
Yes they are using the phone and the TV
3.What is the boy doing
The boy is writing a poem
The 3 photo
1.What day of the week you think is ?And why do you think that?
I think that is Sunday because the whole family are admiring the day and because the pupils aren't at school
2.How many kids are in the garden?
In the garden are 3 kids:2 girls and 1 boy
3.Is every one happy?
Yes all of them are having fun