Mouais of deduction
1 Choose the correct item.
1 A: There's a beach clean-up this weekend.
We should/ought/would take part.
B: Definitely! Must/Shall/May we meet at the
beach at 8 am on Saturday?
2 A: 1 may/need/could volunteer at the
hospital this weekend.
B: That's a good idea. I must/can/have to
join you.
3 A: The door can't/mustn't/needn't have
been locked if the burglar got in so
B: Oh dear! I must/can/ought check more
carefully in future.
4 A: I'm leaving now. Might/Can/Would I give
you a lift to the homeless centre?
B: Thanks, but I don't have to/mustn't/
shouldn't be there until this afternoon.
5 A: Must you/Did you need to/Could you
give a witness statement about those
vandals you saw last month?
B: Yes, and the police had to/could/were
able to catch them)
6 A: The security guard has caught that woman.
She might/can't/mustn't have been
B: They need/must/can be waiting for the
police to come.
7 A: You mustn't/needn't/couldn't go to the
charity event alone. I'll come with you.
B: Great! We could/ought to/shall meet
early to get there on time.