va rog dau coroana♡♡♡♡

1. Miriam and Jill were having lunch, when they heard a loud knock on the door.
2. What were you doing when the storm broke?
3. The situation was not getting better. It was getting worse.
4. Where were you going? I was going to the chemist's.
5. What was he doing when the storm began?
6. Why were they crying?
7. It was not raining. It was snowing.
8. When the plane was taking off, one of the engines caught fire.
1. Miriam și Jill luau prânzul, când au auzit o bătaie puternică în ușă.
2. Ce făceai când a izbucnit furtuna?
3. Situația nu se îmbunătățea. Se înrăutățea.
4. Unde mergeai? Mergeam la farmacie.
5. Ce făcea el când a început furtuna?
6. De ce plângeau?
7. Nu ploua. Ningea.
8. Când avionul decola, unul dintre motoare a luat foc.