A. When we first (1) moved to Paris, about five years ago, we (2) had to share our house with a family of German doctors, who (3) were known to produce the most annoying offspring, in the person of two fair-haired monsters of 3 and 5, respectively. They (4) had been living quite handsomely there on their own until we came, and you could tell they (5) were not pleased at all to have us for neighbours. Within 6 months though, we managed to have them evacuated, which (6) was no easy work! Imagine waking up at 6 every morning, so you can pour hot clay on their doorstep before they (7) even wake up. That is, of course, after you (8) have disabled their air-conditioning, naively nailed just above their bathroom window... I can't wait to move to Tokyo in August. Dad (9) says we (10) will be sharing a penthouse with a couple of Italians!
B. Not long ago, a man kidnapped a little boy and (11) hid him in the woods. He (12) sent his parents a ransom note telling them to leave him 10,000 pounds in an airport locker. They (13) had to wait four hours and go to the locker. In it, they (14) found directions to where their child (15) was hidden. He said that unless they (16) sent him the money, they would not see (17) the child for a long time. He (18) thought about taking the child with him as a hostage but decided against it. He knew that the police (19) were good at trapping people who (20) had hostages with them.