E. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.
(eg. A: What are you doing (you/do) this weekend? | A: I can't wait to see David! What time
I am going (go) skiing with Tom. Would you
like to come?
A: Gary 21)
right now.
B: What? Well it 22).
if we'll be late for the party!
(have) a shower
(look) as
A: How often 23)
the piano?
B: At the moment, she 24).
(practise) a lot because of the concert on
In a few minutes, but it usually 26),
(take) a while to get through customs.
A: Nowadays, people 27)
(the plane/arrive)?
more time at work than they do at home.
I know. Mr Smith often 28).
(come) home late at night.
A: Where 29)
. (your father/work)?
At British Oil in central London, but these days
he 30)....
(travel) back and
forth between England and Scotland.
10x1 10