
7 penalty
8 physical (therapy)
9. score
10. signal
II. tackle
12. team
13. title
14. warm-up
15. winger
f) a period or act of preparation for a match, performance or exercise session, involving gentle exercise or practice
g) an unfair act of violating the rules of a game or sport
h) the moving of the ball from one player to another
i) championship
j) an attacking player who plays on the left or the right side of the pitch
k) a type of direct free-kick taken from the II metre mark
l) to obstruct a player with the ball in order to cause loss of possession of the ball
m) the hitting of the ball between the goalposts/the space into which the players try to put the ball in order to score a point for their team
n) a gesture or sound made by the referee to convey instructions or warnings
o) a footballer whose role involves aggressive play​

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