
3. Choose the right verb and complete the text about Saint Christopher.
tell name, be x 4 work wait die ask go, say, leave, follow, search, become
Once there was a big man almost like a giant. His name Christopher and his ambition 36 _to serve the Cce there Was ongest of kings, so he 41 searches out he couldn't find one. He near the river, carrying the travellers across to the other side for other people, a child 7). S e he 6). across. While he 8). - 10 Was to carry through the water the child so heavy that Christopher could hardly reach the riverbank the child that he was surprised to see how heavy he The child 12) said world and its sins. I am Jesus Christ, the mighty king you seek." Then Christopher 13). behind and 14) After he 15). Christ "Do not be surprised. You have just carried the whole everything him the patron saint of travellers for his faith, the Catholic Church 16).