
VOCABULARY 7. Match the halves of sentences: → My grandpa is ninety-three, but he is → We were worried when he had his operation, but I saw him and he is → When she saw the room full of snakes, she became → Before each game, all the players → She was sick for a long time, but now she is → He was always mean to the other children, so they gave him → The old man is very sick and his doctor says that he → After working so hard all week, a relaxing dinner was → When they found him on the island, the sailor was →I think there's something wrong with Susan, she looks a bit → Harry was in bed all week because he was back on her feet. under the weather. → as fit as a fiddle. → a dose of his own medicine. 4 have a physical examination. alive and kicking. has one foot in the grave. → as sick as a dog. → just what the doctor ordered. → as pale as a ghost. nothing but skin and bones. -​