2 Read and say why it is necessary to protect nature. Let's All Work Hand-in-Hand for Mother Nature Teacher: We are going to speak about nature today. How is nature important? Nature gives us life. Nature provides us with the food we eat, the water we Alex: drink, and the air we breathe. Teacher: I think we should talk about how to protect nature. People harm nature a lot. What can we do? We must walk and bike more and use cars and buses less. Mike: It is very important to stop littering the place where we live. Diana: We also must use reusable shopping bags and water bottles. Tina: Let's use water carefully. This means we should turn off the water while brushing the teeth and take shorter showers. Frank: Pollution and cutting down trees are bad for animals and birds. Taking care of them is also necessary. Teacher: Sure, it is. If people plant more trees and take care of all the plants, there will be more animals and birds. What about recycling? Gail: I think we must recycle paper, electronics and other things. Teacher: Thank you for your ideas. Later, we are going to work in groups and think of sets of rules that we should follow if we want to live happily in this world.