2. Answer the following questions. 1. What does Catherine write to her friend? 2. Where was the exhibition she visited? blood2 NI entry /'entri/ exibit /ig'zibit/ to display /dis'plei/ display /dis'plei/ plate /'pleit/ (aici) cuddly /'kadli/ toy 3. How had the exhibits been selected? 4. What was the first collection Catherine saw in the exhibition hall? 5. What collection did Catherine like best? 6. What did the unusual collection entered by a railway enthusiast consist of? 7. What was Catherine's niece's contribution to the exhibition? 8. What did Catherine herself collect? ni (nounitno no algmaia 09151 - înscriere (aici a unor exponate) - exponat - a expune - gamă, varietate - placă metalică - jucărie de pluş 4) Tol​