5. Reconstruct expressions a-o using the prepositions in the box, then use them to complete sentences 1-15. Make all the necessary additions and adjustments to the expressions used. a. b. C. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. 1. m. n. 0. see..... chance random take someone ..... granted set ..... break ***** put ..... ..... ***** ..... advance tremble..... fear ***** all someone's luck to have something ..... the time the time being ***** the hour ***** time..... ..... someone ON (1) WITH (1) FOR (4) BY (4) OFF (2) IN (3) AT (1) 1. I haven't got anything on, I can finally take you out for dinner! 2. I... Sonia the other day and we went for coffee. We had a great chat! 3. When they got home last night, they realized somebody.....! 4. The poor little baby...... 5. You can't do this to your own mother. It's really rude to ...... 6. They early, so as to arrive before sundown. 7. He picked one....., but it turned to be an excellent choice. 8. We're staying with a friend..... but hope to find a place of our own soon. 9. ...... a car, his wife left him that day. 10. The party had finished..... they got there. 11. He got there..... the meeting. 12. Why did you..... the meeting for so long? 13. It's all good, 14. She paid a good month...... 15. You must be making a confusion. I'm not paid monthly, but...... *****.