
1 2 2 Fill in the appropriate word from the list below: 6 maintenance, launch, flounder, fulfilment, purred, cram, afflicts, reunion, convert, qualify very difficult I never have any free time. (fit) His business began to 3 several of his clients. (run into difficulties) Breast cancer is a disease that Solar panels............ sunlight into electricity. (change) ..... both school and a job in is Trying to....... 8 4 5 of women every year. (affects badly) The police force is responsible for the.. law and order. (upkeep) A career should offer you ......... when he lost ..... lots ...... of ... as well as a good salary. (satisfaction) 7 The engine of the Prime Minister's car.............. as his chauffeur waited for him outside the French Embassy. (made a soft, continuous sound) You shouldn't into things without giving them some thought first. (throw) 9 Joe doesn't .................. as a friend any more. (count) 10 After graduating we promised to have a(n) every five years. (organised meeting) 1 2 3​